Araya Health Centre


Ease Your Aches and Stress Away

See the Difference One Massage Session Can Make!

Picture Feeling Great Every Day — What's Stopping You?

Many feel trapped in daily life, drained and stressed. Yet, they often overlook how a massage can reset and soothe their tension-filled bodies

Chronic Stress: Endless Worry

“Always worried and can’t relax? Chronic stress is like being stuck in a loop of bad days.”

Persistent Pain: Always Hurting

“Do you hurt all the time? Persistent pain makes simple things feel really hard.”

Emotional Fatigue: Tired for No Reason

“Feel tired all the time but don’t know why? It’s often from too much stress and pain

Life Is Too Short To Be Stuck In Pain

We all know the signs of a stressed out body, yet with so much on our plates, we tend to overlook them. In today’s fast-paced environment, keeping up with our ever-growing list of responsibilities often means neglecting our well-being.

Take Control Of Your Day.

Imagine a life where you’re getting great quality sleep, feeling more energized, and most importantly, starting to feel more youthful again. Picture waking up refreshed, ready to take on the day with a smile. It’s not just a dream; it can be your reality.

Break Free

Stop feeling stuck in your busy life. A massage can help you feel free and relaxed instead.

Get Your Energy Back

If you’re always tired, a good massage can help wake you up and fill you with energy

Calm Down

Say goodbye to stress. A massage can help you feel calm and peaceful.

Let us show you how.

Our Services

Feel Understood With Our Approach To Therapy:

Understanding your body should be easy, not scary. That’s why our registered massage therapists are here to really listen and get what you need. We won’t use big, confusing words. Instead, we’ll take care of you with our special massage skills. You’re important to us, and we’re excited to hear your story and help you on your way to feeling awesome.

Over a Decade

Hands on Experience

Over 15,000

Happy Customers

Proven Results

For a better quality of life

“Is a life without pain possible?”

At Araya Health, we understand the pressure of juggling a high-stakes career with personal well-being. You’re not alone in feeling stretched thin

( Unlock Your Body From Stress In 5 Minutes With The Top 7 Pressure Points)

(A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Hip Pain Relief!)

(5 Effective Exercises for Strong Shoulders) 

I Feel Your Pain.

Hi, I’m Christopher Araya. For 15 years, I struggled with debilitating back pain, which gave me a deep understanding of the challenges of chronic discomfort. This personal journey inspired me to start Araya Health. Initially, my aim was to provide relief to family and friends dealing with stress and injuries. But soon, my passion grew into a larger mission. I realized the need for a space not just for therapy but for recovery and empowerment, especially for hardworking individuals like parents, fitness enthusiasts, and all who carry life’s burdens. Araya Health is more than a clinic; it’s a place of transformation and support for your health journey. Join us, and let’s embark together on a path to wellness, comfort, and a more fulfilling life.

Join our community

Say goodbye to stress and feeling overwhelmed. Embrace a relaxed, rejuvenated life and be your best at work and home.

Living a balanced life starts with your choice to take action. Don’t let stress and soreness rule your days.