Getting Your Business Found On Google As Quickly As Possible Starts With An SEO Audit!

What We Do


It’s simple: We examine where your website and business are currently sitting on Google and tell you what needs to be done in order to improve that. Our Local SEO Audits include critical information that will give you the edge over your competition, once implemented.

Local SEO Audit:
Showing You How To Get The Edge Over Your Competitors On Google.

What Do Our Local SEO Audits Include

On Page Technical SEO

Foundations are critical to SEO. You have to start with ensuring everything is optimised on-page. We provide a full analysis of what you are doing correctly and incorrectly so that you can get this sorted.

Google Map Pack Rankings

Our Geogrid feedback screenshots will show what your position is on the Google Map pack in a 10 mile radius around your business for your most important keyword phrases. Knowing where you’d doing poorly will show you where to focus.

Organic Rankings

Where are you coming up on Google for your most important (and profitable) keywords? Our analysis gives you your current rankings and who your top 10 competitors are for your most important keywords so you know what to aim for.

Domain Authority & Trust

Wondering why your competitors are coming up tops and you’re not? Domain Authority & Trust levels vital if you want a top ranking on Google. Our audits provide information on where you currently stand in this regard as well as your top 2 competitors so you know what needs to be done to get to the top of the pops!

Off-page Analysis

Quality backlinks are one of the most influential ranking factors on Google. Think of it as Google judging you by the company you keep. Who is linking to your website? Not all backlinks are good for you. We’ll provide you with a list of good and bad backlinks so you can take the appropriate action.

What ARE your rankings?

It’s not all bad news. Our audits also include a list of the main keyword phrases you ARE currently coming up for, as well as where you rank on Google for those words. Knowing this will arm you with the information you need on where to focus your SEO efforts.

Order Now:

Only £79 once-off


Order your complete Local SEO Audit now by clicking below.

Please note that a number of the elements that make up our Local SEO Audit require manual searching & reporting so you will receive your audit in approx. 1 working day.

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